Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1934 March 22 (2024)


ons good O-too-tan hay, $20:

m; 2 oxen, broke, -$20 and!

A. Jones, Dublin; 307

nd Hay Wanted|

; peanut or peavine hay,
p for eash. Also want gard-.
in exch. for white cot-

sacks, 100 lb cap. heavy wt.
ea. ALC. Floyd, oe

ultry F or Sale

Golden Sebright: bantams 5c

gs, 75e per 15. B. C. Pope ||
sa, R 2.

for cash, Make offer. H.

ulsey, Rebecca, R 1.
ff Cochin co*cks, pure bred.
nd 75 each; also 'R. I. Red
33 hatch, now laying, $1

rs. e Lynes, Atlanta,:|

N. W. Phone Hem.:

antam hens, 2 roosters, 7

_pullets, $5 FOB Also 11

Parks strain B. R. hens;

ooster, $1 ea. FOB. Max
er, East Point, 328 Cler-

| B. R. hens and rooster, $4.75
sh. No ehecks; also butter-.

ce cupful, or exc. for 8

ried apples, or Bermuda
plants. Edith Jordan, Rock-:


eee I ee <<


lt has come to my attention that hogs are
being trucked from one part. of the State to another
without being properly treated for cholera. This is in

violation of the law.

Innocent farmers buy these hogs expecting them
to produce'a years supply of meat, but find them dead

within a week.

Farmers are warned not to buy hogs from any one

-~who does not show a certificate of inoculation for each

hog offered for sale.

When a truck loaded witli hogs arrives in a com-
munity, the police authorities or county agent should
demand a proper certificate of inoculation and if he

fails to produce same, the hogs should be. quarantined

and proceedings instituted against the owner.


Commissioner of Agriculture. |


Poultry For. Sale

co*ckrels, AAA Barred Rocks,
Booth strain, 8 mos. old, wt. Aa
Ibs. average. Dark color. $1, 50. ea,
Mrs J. W. Shue, Douglasville, R
One, _

Pure Thompson Ringlet B.-R.

| April co*ckerels, $1.25 ea. 4-for $4

FOB; 1.Ib. improved Jong pod

okra seed, 45c. Stamps acc ted.

Mrs. R. L. Mabry, Canon, R 2. _
10 or 15 nice, yr old B. R. hens

now laying. Good mothers and

good layers. 75c ea.'at my place.
Mrs. Ll. R. Martin, Gainesville,
re 1, z

1 Buff Rock rooster, 2 yrs. old
$1.50;.-2 - 1 yr. old,.$1 each; 3

11} R. I. Red pullets, now laying, 75

ea. Mrs. R. D TEEEAOD Dalton


Pure bred R. C. Giant strain e

Light Brahma hens and co*cker= |

els, $1.ea, Also pure bred White

Wyandotte co*ckerels, $1 ea. Mrs.
Ruby Westberry, Collins, R 2._

2 Cornish roosters, March 1933
hatch. Sell or exc. for 2 settings

Cornish eggs. Joe Hart, Black=-

shear, R. 1, i
1 co*ckerel, 14 Dark Cornish

| hens, 1 yr. old, $15; Mrs. W. T. i

Mayo, Lyons.


'--1 pure bred Shawl Neck gam
| reoster, $1.25. Exc. for 4 bantam

hens and rooster of small type.
J. W. Moore, Griffin, 1016 W.
Broad St a


1 extra nice J. B. Giant roost
er. Marcy strain: Fine for breed=

ing, $1. Mrs. Will cna A- :
dairsville. /


Produced, nearby Hennery, selected, fresh: eggs: Retail, 30c doz. Wholesale, 26c doz.

ees Selected Whites, doz. ........ $ $ - $ 5 $$. $: ee $ 15

Eggs Standard, doz... =e : a : 3 sk 12%
s, Georgia trade, G07 Ss i : : . .
are run, oe here RACs

Prevailing Wholesale Prices March 19, 1934. Always Subject to Variation.



pest oy Augusta Columbus Macon Rome Savannah Valdosta

eo : AT : 14

try Butter, best table, Ib. .....:

eld Peas, mixed, _

reat, bu.
weet Potatoes, per 100 ibs. Se
age, (green, per l00:lbs)) vs

(white, per 100: Ibs.)


14.00 _

Grain and Hay For Sale sce. 1 | 1:
Grain and Hay Wanted 1
Poultry For Sale ..... , 4
Poultry Wanted: 2.5. 2 ee: BS
Baby Chicks For Sale a 2, ek ee
Baby Chicks Wanted 00... ~ 2 bk

Eggs For Sale
Eggs Wanted

Live Stock Wanted =e
Farm Help Wanted ~......... epee Be Af
Positions Wanted

Plants-Wanted, 20.3.3.
Seed: For Sale

Miscellaneous Wanted
as BO ee 1 Georgia Products For Sale ... ali
14.00 es ; 12.00 15.00 Georgia Products Wanted ow. 4 | UE


Page |

Georgia |

Spree Weekly by the

Department Of

_ Agriculture

1 _ Executive . Offices:
dT State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga.

~ G. C. ADAMS,
ee 3 F. GREER, Director
Bureau of Markets


Entered, as second class mat-
ter February 15, 1922, at the
Post Office at Atlanta, Geor-
gia, under the act of June 8,

Special rate of postage pro-
vided for in Section 1103, =
of October 8, 1917.

Wotices of farm rodupe ane
appurtenances admissible un-
der postage regulations,
serted: one time on each re-
| quest. and repeated only when
| reguest is accompanied by

new copy of notice. = :

Second-hand farm machinery,
flowers and seed, incubator
and ornamental nursery stock
notices afte published in
Monthly ~ ~ Supplement which

day of each month.

Farm and. for sale editions
are published at intervals dur-
ing the year. Advance no-
tices of these editions appear
from time to time advising
advertisers when to mail us
| these types of notices,

| Limited space will not macae,

insertions of notices contain-
ing more than 30 words, in-
} cluding name and address...
We reserve the right to cut
down notices of more than |
30 words, providing that this
reduction does not destroy the
| meaning of the notice. When
notices cannot be cut. down
they will be returned to the
writer for correction. ge 8

Tamited space will not permit:

| tices. Under legislative act
| the Market Bulletin does not
assume any responsibility for
any notice appearing in the
Bulletin or transaction result-
ing, therefrom.

~ Market Bulletin 4 |

Pee chickens
: pee Storer, Douglasville, Ry

-1930. Accepted for mailing at |

in- tH

ton, R 2.

insertion of unimportant no- || 5 =

Poultry For Sale

# 35 W. L. hens, young pullets,

ea. or lot for $17.50. Laying

fine. C. L Bradley, Fayetteville,

Rosclawns AA Matings. White
Leghorns: Eges, 75c per setting
of LT; postpaid, Sell by case,
cheaper. Mrs. WwW. AS Sager ue
Broxton, R 2.

80 W. LL, hens, English, Tan- |

ered Strain, 1 yr. old, now lay-
ing 50 per cent. 50c ea. C. B.
Cheney, Bairdstown
2.8. C. W. lL: hens, full strain
@ American, 2 yrs. old in April

Fine layers, 15c. ea. FOB. Mrs.

Ged. Holcomb, Bremen.
3 S. C. W. L. co*ckerels, $1 ea;

Mrs. E. G. Shiver, Cairo, RFD 4 |.

fa ead MINORCAS.

- White Minoreas, Booth AAA
fine co*ck, yr old, $6.50. Cash
: with order; selected hatching

eggs, $1 per 16. All FOB. C. F.
Beanblossom, Fitzgerald, R. 1,

strain, 5 fine laying hens and

-10 nice fat capons, wt. 8 to 10
lbs, 16 Jb. Also. 12 By ae hens

Good pigeons, 20c pair or exc.
of same value.

: oe pred. Hiorers and Cane

eaux, well mated and working.

At bargain, Trade for chickens:

pird for chicken; also 1 Ringneck |
|i pheasant co*ck, $1.C.. H. Overby, |
| Ce 22-11th St.

af R. L REDS: e
a5 R. I. Red hens, 50c ea. and

140 bu. 90-day. Speckled Velvet

beans, $1.25 bu. and 30 Ibs.. white.

lady peas, 5c Ib. J. L.- Nelson, |
| Oglethorpe, R 2, Box 83.

Donaldson Red hens and pul-
lets. for sale or exc. for cured
hams and other produce. P. B..
Haynie, Atlanta, RY, Box 417.


eth 15 hens and 7 roosters, most of

them 22 mos. old; $1.50 each;

well culled flock; few young pul-
lets and rooster, 75 ea; eggs, 50
and 75c per 15. Cheaper in 100
lots. Mrs. a Ww he Brox-


| Several pure bred April nateh |

2. C. White Wyandotte. roosters
$1 ea. FOB. Mrs. M. Cc. Stone,

| Calhoun :

10 SL. Wyandoites, all laying,

appears on the first Thurs- jand 1 rooster, $1 ea. Cash with

order. Mrs. C. H. ss Jenk-
insburg. -

Week old Indian Runner duck-

lings, in lots of 50 or 100, 12%c

each; smaller jots, 15 ea. Mrs.
J. B. Brown, Eastman, R-1.
7 Muscovey. ducks and 2 drakes

$1 ea. FOB; Mrs. J. R. Hunter,
| Oliver. ;

4 Mammoth White Pekin
ducks and drake, 1933 hatch, 50c
ea, Cash with order. Exc. for
fresh turkey eggs. Mrs. C. E.
Jett, Kennesaw, R. 2

4 White Pekin ducks, now 7 lay-.
ing and 2 drakes, 50c ea. FOB;

jalso eggs, 50 per doz. or exch.
for pure bred P. R. hen eggs.

Mrs. H. F Chapman, Davisboro.

_ Poultry Wanted

Want Ancona pullets at reas-
onable price. Mrs. J. B. Darby |
Albany, Newton Road, . -

| Farm. ee ; zi


Want 2 or 3 Black Turkey hens!
-|1-yr. old, wt. around 12 lbs. and

healthy and good layers. Give}

| description and price. J. W. La-

riscy, Halcyondale - f

Want to hear from party who
wishes ducks, geese, turkeys,
chickens raised on. shares. I
have splendid locality, etc. for
raising same. Mrs. H: L. HOS:
Byron, R 3.

Baby Chicks F or Sale.

125 heavy mixed 4 old
chicks, $16 per C. or 16 each. |
Mrs. J. S. Bey, Cochran, R

Baby Chicks Wanted

Want 100 Aneanke baby: chicks.
to raise on halves to 8 wks. old.
Furnish feed and work; other
party pay chgs. -want Rice to
plant. State price.
win, Rochelle, R. 1. ! Z

Want 100 or 200 baby chicks
to raise on-halves. Barred Rocks

_|preferred. To 8 or 10 wks. old..

Mrs. Anna, Crawley, Rupert, R 1
Will pay $3 for 50 baby chicks,
heavy mixed. Must be Be eal: 4

; Write. at once

per 15, Crates ret.

tfor 30, postpaid. ~c

-O. Le Bald- |

ee at , once. Beatrice Sullivan, Amer-|

icus, SB O. Box 25.

: ous For Sale

Limited number hatching eggs,

thoroughbred stock, $1.50 per 15;

Giant Black Minorcas, - genuine
Buff Cochin bantams, J. B. Gi-
ants, Ringlet Barred Rocks,

Black Langshans. O. H. Wright,

Atlanta, Peters Bldg.

Mammoth White Pekin Aack
eggs now ready, $1 per 14 del.

Mrs. J. L. Shaw, Ludowici, R 1. .

12 doz. eggs per week. Pure
bred Barred Rocks.
eating purposes, 25c doz; setting,
50c per 15. Add postage. Miss M.
E, Adams, Marietta, R 3.

. R. Io Red eggs, 50c. per 45, or
rexc, for white feed sacks, 100 lb.
cap. free from holes. Mrs. B. aT

: Sa Philomath.

~The worlds largest breed of
the whole turkey family. Birds
orig. in mountains of Calif. Eggs
for hatching, prices. cut Ae the
pone. L. J. Ellis, Cumming.

Donaldson S. C. R. I. Red eggs
65c per 15; Cornish Indian, 65
Mrs. J. F:
Trawick, Tennille, =

Pure S.:C. R. A. Red cops: 60c
per 15, $1 per 30, prepaid. Exe,
for White King pigeons; while
and black spotted doe rabbit,
exc. for pair White Kings. tr; J.
Chanlder, Commerce, R 1. :

Cert. B. L. eggs, 60c per 15; $1
E. Smith,
Braseltom: =<) ; =

. Pure bred. Ss. f, Wyandotte
eges, 80c per 17, del. Mrs. A, L.
Keys, Eton, RFD.

Turken (Spencer Wonder Bird)

eggs, $1.25 per 15. Cartons ret..

Miss Rebecca Campbell, yarns
360 hte Sahn

SC. Ry 12 Red hatching eggs.
Some direct from Rusk. 35 per
15, plus postage. Joe EE Floyd,
Cochran, Re 2e02 s

Pure bred Ss. Li Wyandoite

eggs, $3 per 100, FOB. Mrs. P. L.
Thacker, Tifton, RFD 2.

Carefully | selected b atchi in g

eges, Parks pure bred B. R. 60

per 15; 34 for. 90c, $2.90 for. C.
Del. Crates ret: Bertie E. Carter,
' Rockingham, Ril.

Pure bred White and Brown
and White spotted Indian Run-
ner duck eggs. Best laying str.
50 per 15, plus postage. Mrs. A
F; Puek, Griffin, RB:

15. Carton to be returned Mrs.
Ge dD. Hammock, Wrightsville,
Want to sell R. I. Red eggs,
75c per 15. Will return. cartons.
Mrs. R. E. Cross, Colquitt.

Ringlet B. R. egys, 75e per: L5;
del, in Ga. Crates ret. Cash. No
chks. Taylor Hooks, Pinehurst.

Booths. AAA B. -R. eggs, for
hatching, $1 per 15. Mrs. Bek.
Melton, Shellman.

Buff Rock eggs from original
Nugget strain, $1 per 15; $1.75
for 30; $2.75. for 50; choice co*ck,
$1.50. Mrs. GL. AS A-

2 settings (30) pure. Deanidees
str. Red eggs for hatching, $1.25

postpaid, Miss Ida Dodd, Eears |

mount, R 1.
{= Hatching eggs from a pen of
purebred R..I. Reds ,75c per 15.
Mrs. D. F. Wilkes, Warthen.
Giant str. S. C. Black Minor-
ca eggs. Breeding Black Minor-
cas exclusively for -8 years. ($1
per. 15, postpaid. Prompt ship- |
ment. L. B. Millians, Newnan.
Hatching eges from Newlin
strain, combination S. C. R. I.

Reds, standard size, shape. and|

color: traphested, pedigreed, $1.-

25. per 15, $2 for 30, postpaid: W.

EF. Newlin, Shellman. .

_ Pure Bronze turkey eges, $2. 50

a 12, del. Bird Bros. strain. A
S. Cauthern, Tallapoosa, R 2.

White Pekin duck eggs: for

| hatching,

Guar. for).

ened : February 15th;

bred Thompson Imp.|}

fat hens, if interested,

- Buff Orp. hatching eggs, 0c |

per 15; $1 per 30; $3.50 per C.

Will book. orders. for hen-hatch-
led chicks at reasonable
' | Mrs. M. S. apne, Ocilla, R 2,
Box 2. : eee



_ Eggs Wanted

- Want to hear from party Hayoh
ing Peafowl eggs for sale.. Ber- |

tha. Laurence: Ramsey, Villanow.

pela See F or r Sale

1 milch cow, gives plenty milk |
and butter, 2nd calf (young-, for
sale Mrs, J. S: Roe, Canon, R 1.
1 young Jersey and Holstein
cow, freshin with 2nd calf, 3%
gal. milk with proper feed, $25. 00

at barn. Mrs. C E Jett, Kenne-

saw, R 2.
Reg. Jersey oar calf, 3 wks.

old, $45. Exc. for peas, reason-

able price, and del. 150 miles;
co*kers Cle-Wilt cotton seed, 90c}
bu. Exc. 4 or 8 bu. for 1 or 2 bu.

O-too-tan soy beans. A. Q Mc-|-

Lean, Nicholls, Box_183
-Milch cows for sale or trade,

/1% miles South Clem Ga., near

Unioh Schoo] house, J. O. Dun-
can, Whitesburg, R 2. .

1 nice milch cow, 5. yr. old, 4
gal. young calf. Miss Eula How-

|ell, Ball Ground, R 1, Box 17.

3 pure bred (not reg.- Jersey
cows, light. cream color; 1 cow, 9
yrs. old, 4 gal milk, 1% Ib. but-
ter (when fresh); 1 heifer fresh-
1 heifer 14
mos. old (bred): Entire lot, $60.
Mrs, H. Elmer Davis, | Sonerton,

on good feed. E.
Winston, BL

Several cows, calves and year-
lings, Hosteins, Herefords, Jer-


seys. Reasonable prices. Mrs. W.

M: Moses, Uvalda. ..

2 grade Jersey cows with heif-
er calves, by reg| Jersey sire, 2
gal. $25'each; 20 bu. No. 1 peas,
5 bu. Clays, 6 improved Unknown
7 bu. New Eras, 2 bu. Whipps,
$2 bu. W. M. Hamilton, Cleve-
land, 2;

Pure bred Jersey heifer, 7% mos.
old. Sulton and Noble. breeding.
From high producing dam.

Broken -color. $25 FOB. ped J.
Bond, Bogart,

_. L. Wyandotte eggs, 75c per :

Pair plug mare mules, _ pigs,
brood sows and cows and 2 yearl-
ings (some come in), for Sale. or
trade for chickens, cheap. J. P.
Tingle, Griffin, N. 9 Street.

Mare mule, about 850 Ibs. sood
cond., every way, gentle and safe

Drive, ride or work; Good. 6 yr.

old milch.cow, due to freshen
May 17th, About 3 gts. milk now
Priced right. Lonzo: H. Patton,
Blairsville, R 4, Fe


Some nice Easter Kids, also
Live 13 miles East of Ludowici

on Route 99. E. F. Poppell, Ludo-

Wici, Rd. i

About 20 ee grown ones,
white and wooly, $2 per head;
young ones, half Toggenburg, $1
ea. G. B. Ransom, LaFayette.

35 head stock goats, 5c per
head. James M. Carter, Rocking-

Live Stock Wanted


wt. 1 Ib. or heavier, at 50c each.
FOB Atlanta. E. ts Webb, At-
Janta, State gh hes See Dept

Of Health.

Give 4c jb. cash
shoats, a Ibs, 0!


Big Jersey cow, 6 yrs ole fresh-
en March 15th, will give 4 gal.

-| once, Mrs.

Want some guinea (cavies) pigs

for 2 good | o:

ee Black Essex. r
100 | Ibs. Choler
FOB. | Exe, for

pree, ahaice
Want rent 1

os be by. Baye cash

Want to oe mule

/year 1934, within 40 mi

Ww. P. Sanders, a int
Elizabeth | Place. :

per head in tote of
Write before del. de :
Moultrie, Pp; O. Box 24.

dy broken. Prefer 0
Quote best. :
first letter: das

Want 25 or 30 co mon

goats for cash. Quote, best
JE Harris, Chatsworth

Fa arm Help Wan

Want. reliable col Ss
do light farm work, poult:
$5 mo., room and board
M. Ketchersid, Atlant, R
291. ;

Want yeliable. col ed
light farm work; - poultr
ers, etc., $5 mo., room and
Mrs. H. C. Webb, Atl
West Mitchell. Dia foie

Want. nice wi
home with. aged
tend to all light far
den, poultry, etc. M

Orr, Cumming, R 5. :
Want at once goo
to help me make =

Robey and good ca
kind need apply. Al
field peas. W. E.-
Want farm hand not 1
yrs. old, 1 who knows
take hold of and go ah
farm. Must be single,
honest, and raised.
Right price to right pai
Roberts, Kirkland. :
Want neat young
to 25 yrs. of age fo
work. No snuff nor tobace
need apply. $5 mo., nd
for: right. party. See 0
ton. R-5:
Want man, 35- 45 yr
unincumbered, settled,

{good worker, for gener:

work. $8 mo., board
and live as one of fan
No drunkard. Li. M. We

| Gainesville, R 2.

Want work hand on fa
rest: of 1934, for a bale of
and live as one of fa
under 12 = 14 yrs. old
Yawn, Nicholls, R 1.

Want healthy,

sist with light. fae

|home and small_

ak: onde: en or. ae ee
for- cone of |

Ww. t good age hand. sive

-25 s. old, one who under-'

ds farming, Start work right.

. State wages expected in

st setter J: 30. J: Colles. At-
ta, R 3, Box 569. -

ant man or boy, who will |

rk for. board and opportunity |
are erop.. Write or come at
ce. Live 6 miles West. Palmet-

. $8 mo., board and Jaun-
No bad habits.
14 - 16 yrs. old, orphans;
for board and laundry. Will-
ing orkers, J. . pele, Blake-

Sp ng and Well. ee Or-
d, pasture, wood. Good
oads; daily mail bus. For bale
tton. lags mass solic-

in place, honed and aninie
ee io O. Be

Consider |.

ay gate best - Offer: ecuding |
board . and - laundry. - - Honest,
willing worker,
Thomas, Lulu. ped. Box 4.

- Want job on farm for wages,

| with privilege cof a few acres.
| to. cultivate. He P. Merrell, At-
| Janta. 826. Beryl St.
- Man with wife wants job
on farm. Both work. $15 per
month. Can do most any kind
of farm work, and _ willing
workers. Also good hand. to
tend mules and other live stock
No bad habits. . James Chas-
tain, Morganton. |

Exp. mill and farm man-

wages. H. L. Roberts, Savan-
nah. Clo Gen. Del, ae

"Plants For Sale

Thousafids of well rooted Kud-
Zu cuttings, $5 M. Crowns, 1 and
2 yrs. old, $1 C. Mrs. W. L. Fowl-
er, Dewey Rose. R 2. :

ao plants, 10 var, 35c Cc.
$1; $1.75 M. sweet pepper,

ae C; $2.75 M. PLR. potato, $1 5O |

M. All prepaid. Ready now D J
Harrison, Blackshear. ,

Young berry plants, well root
ed, strong, healthy, 20 for $1.
Clyde Lewis, Patterson.

_Genuine Gaddis P. R. and Imp.

8 aves tse potato plants, for sale or
exch. for large breed of chick--
ens. R. E. Tomberlin, .Surrency.

Gov, insp. P. R potato plants,
| st. 50 _M. 5. M. $6.50; Greater Bal-
timore and Marglobe tomato. and
cabbage plants, 20c. C. 500, 0G:
$1.25 M. Ship April 15th. Cash.
Prepaid. J. P. Morris, Baxley

Strong, healthy, field grown

| cabbage plants Best for home

*'luse. Leading var., 500, 40c: 75c

its, willing worker. $6, $7 and $8
onth, with board and laun-

C _ Live with elderly
Good home and small
_ Ww. Knott, Apalachee,


d Plant: man, owning |
itable for plant raising.

ant tao on a 4 in
nily to work. Experienced in
ring. References..D, C. Live-

Atlanta, 646 Wells St. Ss. W.
Ant: place on 50-50. basis, 15
_acres, or will work for wa-
e part or full time. 2 in family.
: ive ref. Andrew cae

il Springs, R 1.

Single man needs work. Dairy
a. farm, or poultry. Life

easonable wages. Also had |

ns dn: eS School

558 Hollins St. S. E.
mr. old married man

i S Gptou.
_ieb in blacksmith

also. run a farm or grist
n..c nnection ee aes

M. Mrs. H. L. Kesler, Baxley.

Tomato and cabbage plants.
Exch. for field peas: 2 M. plants
for bu. Brabs or Iron or Crowd-
rer peas. Plants ready April 10th.
H. 1. Williams, Baxley.

Cabbage plants: Copenhagen,
Wakefield, Dutch, Golden Acre.
500, 75c; $1 M;- Bermuda onion,
500, 60c; 80c M; 5 M, $3.50; Mele
low Crowder peas, slightly mix-
ed, $2.50 bu. c. M. Sims, Pem>.

Genuine White iGrystal. Wax

Bermuda onion plants, 10 C;
90c M. postpaid. Mrs. Terry Et

_| Reese, Madison.

Lady T. strawherry plants and
Mastodons, 30c C. or exch. for
anything can use; - sundried ap-
ples, 10c lb. or exch. for white
feed sacks. Add postage. Mrs. B.
W. Dockey, Pale RAL, Box

Eldorado, ~ very vigorous and:
prolific blackberry. 18 well root-
seer vines, $1 Exch, for Crystal
Wax Bermuda onion plants, gar-
den bean seed, or white sacks.
Mrs. J. F. Myers, Hartwell. B45

E. J., Wakefield cabbage, 85c.
M. postpaid; true Ga; collard, 40c
M. not prepaid. Strong, healthy
plants. J. C. Odum, Sycamore. R
2. Box 34, :

Youngs imp. dewberry plants, ;
| Jarge and wonderfully rooted, 50c
doz. $3 C; $20 M. Ask for sample.

Lss in 2 M..or more lots. Ref, |

Peoples Bank here. W. F. Luckie,
Ray City.
Pink and red skin P.-R. pota-

;| to. plants, $1 M. Marglobe -and

Break ODay tomato, same price.:
TeEy Raulerson. Rockingham.

Imp. Red and Yellow skin P. R
| plants, $1.50,M; Certified Mar-
globe tomato, New ~ Stone and
Greater Baltimore, $1 M. W. Vii.
Carter, Rockingham, .-

Yellow skin P..R. potato plants
from State Insp: seed, exch. for |
Runher peanuts, syrup, or baby
chicks 'and give market price
now, and sel] plants at market
| price. when del. ae FB abe

exp. Earnest.

waonts farm, or will work for |

Apnl Ist. Mrs. eee Tay- S

lor, Alma. Rel Bot 73> es
Insp. . Purple. Skin P. R. plants

. | for sale or exch. for peas or pea-

nuts. R. B, McDonald, Alma. R38.
ee cabbage, 500, 65c; $1 M;
Bermuda onion, same price,

postpaid; P R. potato, Ruby King |

pepper; tomato. and ege-plants
Write for price. meds Chancelor,
Pittss7 2/4

Progressive yersarine Lady
7 strawberry plants, 30c C; Con-
dons Mastodon eeverbearing, 50
C; Jungs Gibson, 25 for 25c;
black . Yaspherry, 50e doz; fall
pear sprouts, 6 for 25c. Exch for
Sacks, Mrs. Sarah Grindle, Dahl-
oe R Lee

Seed F or r Sale ay

~200- 300 Ibs. nice, sound Sou
try beans: fine for poultry also
good soil builder, 10 lb: del. Not
under. 5 Ib. lots, A. C: Se)
Talking Rock, Re Ee eam

White mush peas, 8c Ib. $1 bu:

| gourd seed, 10c doz. Mrs, oF.

Landrum, Mitchell, FtsZ;
Gearogia and. Early. Cane seed,
50c pk. $1.75 bu; rough dried
peaches, been treated, no worms,
2c lb. cash. Jackson McLaugh-
a Greenville, R 3, Box 48,
_ Watson melon seed, selected,
hand. saved, 40 Ib. del. ai B
Aldridge, Sale City.
. Harliest: watermelon Showa:
ripens in 60 days from planting.

|.10e. pkt. Postpaid; 5 lbs. "Rocky

Ford cantaloup seed. 50c Ib.
labell, R. 1, Box 34.
Sugar crowder

pea Seba

Eng. Salad pea ae

'|5 teacupful. Miss Pearl Turner,

Gainesville, RED. :

Pure white velvet okra. sed,
20c lb. 4 Ibs, 60c; 8 Ibs. $1 pre-
paid; 17%4 per 100 lbs. FOB. C.
T. Parker, Hampton, R 2.

Stone Mtn., melon seed, $1 Ih.
15 pkt., Eden Gem, pinkmeat
-eantaloup seed, $1 Ib: 15c pkt;
okra seed, 20c Ib- Martin gourd
seed, ide pkt.. Miss Annie E.
Jones, Fayetteville,R 3. 7-

Early Orange cane. seed, 50c
gal. $3 bu; black walnut sprouts,
15;. 1 Lima Lemon bush, 3- ft.
$3. Add postage. Harley ae ee
ards, Ellijay, R 3.

Long pod hot pepper. seed, 5c
per envelope full, Mrs. Lamar
Jackson, Ivey. -

Nice, clean white velvet oir
| seed, 35e lb. or exc. for + baby
chicks, any good breed Stock, or
Bantams. Arvel Burell, Stone
Mtn.,*R 20 =>

American Wonder melon seed,

ist yr. pure, $2 Ib. $1.25 per 1-2 |
lb; Beat the Bee cane seed, 50c
gal; 6 wks. crowder peas, .10c Ib.
del. C. R. Smith, Buford.
wo25. Ibs. lone ereen. okra seed,
10 cupful, or 20c lb. Include
postage. Mrs,.C. S. Waggoner,
__Senns seed, 2: thls., 12; senna
leaves, 15 soda-box full: want
to.) exc. ~ striped. Half: Runner
beans for white Half Runner: Jb.
merce, R- 5. >

White running. dae eae
15 lb; white velvet okra. seed,
10 per *teacupful. Add postage.
Mrs. E. L. Rogers, Griffin. =e
_ Pumpkin seed, 10c pkg. pep-
ypermint, --25= doz; - blackberry
roots, 75 doz. Add postage, Will
exch, Amy. Seabolt, Dahlonega,

White velvet okra seed, 15. Ib.

| FOB; yellow and red Fig bushes,

white scuppernong yines, 25c ea.
5 for $1 FOB. W: B. Davis, Ho-

Eng. peas, okra, Cat-Claw pop

{}eorn seed, 15c pt. scallion but-

tons, 15e qt. postpaid. ~ Bessie
McAdams, Buchanan, R: 1.
Watson melon seed, hand sav-
ed, sound and clean, 30 lb. Pure |
popcorn seed,. 10 Ib. Over 5 Abs.
del. J; A. Mims, Pasion. ;

"Ribbon. as 3 to 5 ft., $15
per M. J. R. Gable, Raymond.
Mammoth gurd seed, over 1

| bu. cap. 2 doz. 1be; 1 and 1-2
Ibs. white velvet okra seed, 25c;

mole. bean ~ seed, 2 doz. 10c.
. P. Morgan, Senoia. Re
Pure Hales Best cantaloup

seed, 50c lb. Hendersons Baby

Lima beans, 12c lb. both ist. yr.
from Western grown seed of
very high quality. Del. in 10/.

Ib. lots. G. E. Rice, Ft. Valley. ;

White lady peas, lima beans,
25 at. Citron seed, Banana
muskmelon, 25c Ib. large Ind-
ian peach seed, 25c doz; okra,

| squash, cucumber, radih seed, ;

20c teacupful, oo Crowe;

Cumming. R Te :
5 Million: Dollar cantaloup eed

10 per -pkt. Healing squash
seed, 10c pkt. Sugar peas, 10c

pkt. re Moma, Buford. R
2. |


leech: pelvet mod! okra seed,
10 lb. at 10c Ib. if lot taken

postpaid. Mrs. A. E. Daniel, &

Maysville. R 4. >

Good multiplying Calif, ee
seed, 10c good start, del. Exch.
1 good start for 2 good, white,

100 Ib. cap. feed sacks. Ea. pay |
; postage. Mrs.

Corinne - Floyd,
Rockmart. R 2.

/ Stone Mtn,, Kleckley Sweet,
| round yellow. meat watermelon

seed, 16c per 1-2 cupful; 30c.

cup..FOB. Stamps accepted.

Mrs. M.. S. OKelley, Comer. R/
postpaid: H. C. Burnsed, Jr., El-. i.

White popcorn, 15. ake
cabbage-collard, 15c cup; Vel-

vet okra, 15 lb; white bunch |

butter-beans, 10 lb. Not pre-
paid. Exch. Stamp for reply.
Chas: T. Smith, Austell. R 2.

3 bu. clean Honey Drip. cane
seed, $2.40 bu. FOB; No order.
less 1 bu. Jos. Willis, Sharps- |
bures 3

25-30. lbs. good, ede okra

seed, 5e Ib. or exch. for pea |
seed of any. good kind. Mrs. |

Le A. Brooker, Blackshear. R
\ 4.
100 Ibs. Ravkyiou! eantalou
seed, 50c Ib. 50 Ibs. collard se -

| 30c Ib. del. Exch. for Brab-

ham peas, butter-beans or Mar-

globe or Baltimore tomato seed.

Hehe Carmichael,- Tifton...
Stone Mtn. melon seed, $1

Ib: Want a few Buff Cochin
eges for hatching. J. C. Scruges:


White and streaked Half
Runner garden beans, 15c cup,
or 3 cups, 40c. Postage includ-

ed: Jones watermelon seed, 50c.

Ib, Mrs. J. W. Teague, Suwartee.

30 Ibs. very best, hand saved,
selected, pure Stone Mtn. mel-
on seed for sale. Add posetage.
R. F. Farmer, illedgeville. Rh 2s

Radish, Carrot, Chinese
cabbage, Banana

er watermelon, _ tobacco ~

New crop 1 bu. es ee
2 doz. 10c;. Add. postage. Exch.

for garden bean seed; 38 doz.

gourd for 1.couful. Mrs. Geo.
Turner, Cleveland. R 2. ~

White velvet and Mammoth

Green okra,; Half Run-|-
ner garden beans, 25 lb; white
and sugar crowder. peas, 6c Ib.
All weevil-free and postpaid. |:
Stamps accepted. Mrs. W. G.
Miller, Martin. R 1. aes

Hot pepper seed, 10c thls.,

good mixed muskmelon seed,
10c for a dbl. spoonful. Ora
Reece, Ball Ground. R, 4. ~

2 and 1-2. tbs. Rockyford

cantaloup seed, shade cured and.

guar. pure. 25 Ib. or 50c for
the lot. N. A. Pierce, Macon.
Ree 57

< Hasting s- eee green pod

: ae eth for use oy fee

turnip, vegetable peach, wint-
5e vkt. Postpaid. Marion Mert
Connell, Cornelia
for Ib. -Cc A. + Wilbanks, Com- |

Wax tender. peans, 1

| Ruby ~ King swee

spoonful; Mrs.

Flowery Branch. R
Cuban Queen v
seed, $1.25 Ib; fi

|15 pt. 25 qt. Exch

Hendersons bunch t
bean seed. Ea. pay. po
Mrs. C. R. Motean ae

15 aes chufa coca C
white, plack- eyed |
Damson plums, $14

feed sacks, Mrs.

ner, Buchanan. R 1,

Iceberg lettuce seed for sal

| Exch. 1 large spoonfu

spoon of carrot, parsley :

for white Fat Horse
Back beans. R. F.:
The Rock. eee

jand: . Pi phone, g
Ww, :

Be Garlic pulbs, 50c CO Ho
; ish and Calamus roots, 6

or exch. for pure bred B. R.
or everbearing strawberry
Add postage. fee Thurl
ton, Roy. =

1 good,. _sprine wage :
for farm use, for sale o:
for cheap. mile or horse.
Wills, Atlanta. 519 Middl
1 horse wagon, A-1-con
as new, Bargain, ae he
B. Daniel, Griffin. -

a or excle for 1 horse in B00

L. A _ Shorer, Marietta. R

would take in neiney orm.

M. Ivie, Alto. =
Exch. May cherty s

25 ea. for seed, honey

at market price; also sell

ea. Charles West, Dal

feed Se Write. Mrs,

chell, Bowdon, R 1. = :
' Exch. butter or dried | peacl
for 100 Ib. cap. white fee sack

T Mobley, Covington, R3.
Want pecanuts, honey ;
potatoes, pigs, ducks, chickens,
multiplying onions, -raspberri

| figs, - -asparagus, onion pla:

Write or see. J. F. Cot

| East Point. 112: La Rose

= Georgia Produ ts
For Sale _

100 bu. 90-day runing Velv
$1.25 bu. FOB, R. B, Phi

| Damasucus.

40 or 50 bu. Unkhown
clean, sound, pure, $2 bi
S. H. Johnson, Mitchell

_ Pure Bunch Velvets, $35b
or. 100-day Velvets, $15 b
T. Beasley, Kite.

Unknown, Red Hull,

rand Miller peas, $2. 50

ers cotton seed, No.. 7,
$2.25. per C.. lbs. E. =

Harlem, R i.

White Willow Leaf
butte-beans, 20c Ib. w: :
butter-beans, 20 lb: white
age. Mrs. Pearl] MeDonald,
pleton, R Teas =

10 Ibs: speckled Bush bu
beans, 10 Ib; 5 Ibs. colored
a butter-beans, 10c tb.

M.. O, Mahaffey, Carr :

M% gal. pure brown speckled,
large: size sa ag ers, 85


e Crue 3 aie North:
ersville for $1.05, or ship in:
Teg. big: type a
pigs, ei-
da BOF Murphy, |,

}peck, FOB. Write for quantity.

| prices.
FOB. H. D. Goodwin, Greens- |

at. $1. 19. bu;
Black Essex 3 mos. old

Speckled peas, $1.90: bu.

$2 bu; also 10 oe A-1
syrup. Mrs. R. P. Dans- |,
rtown, ft.
good Brab peas, $2. 25 bu;

good, sound shelled corn,

1M. Ibs. Velvets in hull,
| FOB. De McCoy, Gib- |


an seed, 15c lb; about 5
te McCaslan, 20c Ib. Add

er cornfield -peiine, 0c
lb. FOB; 2 pure. bred R.

u. black= can. peas, $3 o

horse aaa in good ond,, $35

POSE MeMichen, Car- ;

Ohioice: Bunch Velvets, $3. bu.
bus bags; also good, sound

Ga. Runner peanuts; 4c Ib, Stock

i ed. Send remittance, Henry |

ockweiler, Cordele.
5 bu. No. 1 Clays, $2.15 bu; 1%
bu. mixed peas, $2 bu. FOB.

y orders preferred. Lucius

illiams, Oglethorpe, R- 2:

3 bu. black cow peas, sacked
w 3 bu. bags, $2.05 per bu.
Ww. = Keley, Talking Rock,

bu, - Brabhams, ~ 400 pu.
Mixed peas, $2.20-bu. around for
ot. A. H. Richardson, Ellaville.

90-day Velvets, $1:35 bu; O+
tans, $4.80 bu; Brabhams,

2.65 bu. in 2 bu. bags, FOB. All
2 1933 crop. W.-C, Murphy,

ender cornfield beans, 25 Ib. |

us severe sundried apples,
- Add. postage.
or onion plants: -10 Ibs.
_E. J. cabbage and 800

Wax or. Bermuda onion |

n E. Cook, Hemp,
mand " Speckled __ Crow-
Calif. black and brown-
Lady peas. All 12c Ib. del.

$10 per CWT. FOB. Ovie Crowe,

nesville, R 1.
10 bu. sound, clean,

Speckled running Velvets,


bu. FOB. D. W. Knight, Dexter.
run- |

20 bu. 90-day. Velvets,
ning, sound, $1.50 bu. FOB. T, W.
Martin, Dawson.

0-day Speckled Running Vel-

is, $1.2 Bunch Velvets, $3;

iloxi Soys, $3; Brabham peas,
Mix. peas for hay, $2.25;
etd seed corn, ae New

non them, 9 bu. in sack,
Ou... A, B. McBee, aad
vais 2, Box 3.


Limited quantity, field select-
ed Jarvis Golden: prolific. -Best
yellow yar. at Experiment Sta-
tion, nubbed, hand shelled, $1.00
peck, FOB. Arthur H. Meyer,
Winter: ville.
ae eattlo white. ~ cob Kingston
corn, & rows, imp.; -very prolific,
: Su aN 40 per i- -2-bu. Nub-

| heaviest and most weevil resist-
tant; 2 edrs to stalk (some ears.
Vet. I'l.) $1 peck, $3 bu. J. Ww.

Ado. Wilson, Woodville,
re w 8 oe

{bed and Shelled; 50 peck; 1-2

: | pure*and selected for seed, $2.5 50.
Several Ibs. Grove Ky. Won-

WOK. SEES, Cum-"

Rucker cotton ' seed, 75c bu. W. |

$1.75 bu. Richard - Lewis, _Corne-

yr. from Hastings;

Exe. for

4+ Box 436.

{| sound, 60 bu. here. T. O. Whit- |
: -) chard, Blakely.

Browits: thip. ie white: flint, |

Brown, Helena,

800 - bu. corn in ar, $1 bu
shrelle a $410 bu. FOB my barn.
Malone, Dexter,

Sgn Cuban Yellow. Flint seed:
corn, weevil-proof, $2. 7 Du: $1:

Chas. F. Clements, Pitts.

- June. corn, Blue, also White
and Blue, $1 peck, del. Sra zone.

300 bu. good, slipped ~ sMuek
Pcorhn in ear, 80 bu. at-barn. E.4
M. Beckham, Mystic...

~Whatleys prolific, hand nub-,
bu. 90; et 75 bu. eg owe
McRae, Ft: Valley, R :

Hastings Pro! ific corn. 1st yr

pu. FOB, or XC, for pecans or}
potato ~ plants, Velvet _ beans;
Tompkins str. S. C.R. I. Red |
pullets, 10 wks; old, $1ea. FOB.
$1 ea. FOB. J. H. Beasley, Lavo-

- Limited amount Bermuda, Ties
weevil-resistant corn. Prolific,
best by test, 10 lb. $1pk.: FOB:
here; Order early. William, - B.
Smith; Holly Springs.

Hastings and Marlboro seed
corn, crossed, and field selected
for 6 years, 3-to 7 ears to stalk,
75 peck, $2.50 bu. Del. Exc. 1 bu.
for 2 bu: Honey Drip cane seed;

A. Moon, Waco, R 2.

Hastings Prolific corn, field
inspected and Cert. pure by Crop
Impovement Assn. Germination
test, 99 per cent. Selected seed
ears, hubbed both ends, shelled,


20 or 25 bu. Cubaii Yellow
Flint seed corn, pure and sound |
seed. $2.50 bu. -$1 peck, FOB, J.
L. Goodman, Leary, Rt. A. .
_ Allens: Big Ear Prolific. Best
for main crop; Hickory King,-1st_
and Mexican
June, Price, any above, $2 bu.
FOB; 1-2 bu. $1.25 FOB; DE
peck, prepaid, Be, Allen,

125 bu. good slipped -shuck'
corn, 75cbu. at the Crib, or exc.
some for a young Jersey milch
cow, 3% or more per day. Her-
schel Martin, Bristol, R14.

~Mosbys 2 - 4 ear Prolific seed |
corn, field selected, nubbed and
shelled; earliest of all Prolifics,
big ears, 90c pk. $2.50 bu: FOB;
falso, Golden Queen pop corn
seed, 10c lb. L. C. Kimsey, Cor-


Stoneville No. 2, pure, 10 days
earlier than other varieties. 75c
bu; Whatleys Prolific seed corn,
field selected, hand: shelled, $2
bu. here. W. oe Bolton, Griffin,

Fine lot of Half and Half bate
ton seed, 1st. yr. Not mixed, 75c
bu. at barn. LOA, Prive, Bartow,
Few Vandivers Heavy Fruiter,

Orig. 75c bu. FOB. I. D. Martin,
Boston, R A. : Sk
The new cotton, Chincopee,
Harliest and mest. prolific known
$1 bu. R. W. Grow, Colquitt.
Stoneville No. 2 cotton seed in
3 bu. bags, 85c bu. FOB. Cash
with order. L. D. Gray, Griffin.
Ruckers No, 11, long staple,
Ist yr. 46 per cent lint, 60 or 65'
bu. Nice lot. 75 bu. FOB; Want
2 bu. genuine O-too- tan Soys,
1933 crop, cleaned and guar. true
to namie, reasonable price, CoP.
Roe, Caihoun, R 2.
-Imp. Cook, wilt-resistant- and

Wilt - - Resista

absolutely pure; grown 1 yr. from |

T%e Ib. in 50 Ib.

Petty-Toole Cootton: these pcb
were srown from: made bale to]
facre without any fertilizer), 75c.
bu: FOB. Ly S. Davis, Waresboro. | |


Shoulder meat, $10 per CWT;

| side meat, $12" per CWT; also.
100 bu. Ear corn for sale. Ge Be
Dinkins, Whigham. ~. 4
with hard wood, 20c: Jb. Guar.

Brooks county - hams, -
pure. Ship COD. L: Ee Hutchin-

| son; Quitman, R 5.


Nice, sundried peaches, -
from worms, 12%c lb. No chks.
Mrs. S. J. Rice, Royston, R 1.

Nice bright peaches, free from

worms, 1933 crop, 20c Ib. Will
del. in 5 to 25 Ibs. lots, Mrs. Tc.
|W. Casey, Canon. As

Dried apples, sun cured Grimes.

| Golden, free from core and peel-
ing, 12c Ib. Del. in 10to 20 Ib.
lots, anywhere in Ga. Mrs. J. W.
Gosnell, Geren, R 3, Box

25 Ibs. nice, hand cut, ginidried

apples, 10c lb; good okra, seed, }.
|20c Ib. Golden Queen pop corn
seed, 10c Ib. Add_ postage.
Nelle Kimsey, Cornlia, Star Rt.



Real Fancy Comb honey,
packed and labeled, 5 Jb. pails,
12 per case, $6; Extracted, same
|erade, $5.50. Prompt del.

guar. J. T. Mullis, Alma.

Improved Italian bees. Stone, |

|free from disease, ready to be-

gin season. Overcrowded, reason |
for selling. Mrs. J. R. Tippins, |

Daisy. =


| Walnut trees, 1 yr. . 10 ea, in.
hundred lots; choice grape vines,
well rooted, $1. doz.

packed. ~ Charges paid. Pees
Walker, Toccoa, Re 3:

Ped. pecan trees, for quick sale

about 800 trees, grown by selec--
tive budding methods that pro-
duce early and prolific bearers.:

Mrs. T. S. Harris, Ft. Valley.

Papershell pecans, apple, pear,

peach, grapevine, 1, 2, 3 yrs. old.

Few bearing apple and pear

trees. Write for information.
James Cureton, Austell.
Large May cherries, large pur-

| plish skin, free- stone plums (ri-.

pens in July; very sweet), 4, 30c;.
Earliest improved Klondike
Strawberry, 25c: C.
M, del. Mrs. JS: Crowe, Cum.
ming, R 1.

Pio Sk, Hiley+Bell peach
trees. Budded for my own use
June, 1932. For sale. J. C. Ad-
kins, Ft. Valley.

-3 var. Figs, 25 doz. cuttings;
Wild Goose Blue Damson plums,
$1 doz. Exe. for potato plants,

tomato and other value. Luther

| Kown, White.

Pears, Figs, Currants, Quince,
Limited humber. 6 for 75c if
come after them. Mrs. H .O.

Padgett, Atlanta, 160 Howard St. |.
1S. EL :



Ga. Runners, hand shelled, 7c
Ib. in lots of 100 Tbs. or: more;
lots; 80cbu. in
hull. Not: less 4 bu. shipped. Mrs.
Pearl Smoak, Warwick.

White, large Spanish peanuts,
25c gal. Texas Honey Drip cane
Seed, 5c Ib. Nice lady peas, 6c Ib.
Add postage. Mattie Wright,

About 200 ibs. goed papershell

pecans, Stewarts, 15c lb. del. in|.
Ga. George nN. Thomas, _ Theme

asboro. =
No. 1 N. C. Runner peanuts, $1

bu. FOB; also white cabbage ta- |
ble seed, 10c Ib: Del: in 5: 1b; lots. es
x ert.

Alva Hudson, Whigham, Re i;


Miss :

| Donovan,

|known as Pink-eye
| meated with long slender vines
| of purplish | color;

All moss |

$1, 500; $1.75.

1 Pierce Shuffler.

For Sale

bu. FS AS Dixon, Avera, ti.

Flue cured tobacco; 10-Ibs. $1.

Del: 3rd zone: H. R. ian Bax-

Jey; R 4.

Genie) Prod

- Want 25 bu O- too-tan beans.
Quote price. Doyle Smith, New-
born. | :

Want 1-2 bu. O-too-tan beans
Cc. J. May, Ray City.

Vent 50 bu. ear corn. State
lowest price at your barn. C: G.
ae Bomngproke.


Want seedling pecans in 100

Ib. lots, also med. size.


Want several tons N. C. Run-
ner and also Spanish peanuts

| for planting at 3c Ib. FOB Sel-

Jers barns. Forrest Jackson,
Quote best price on 200 Ibs. No.
1 Spanish peanuts, del. at Chip-
ley: Ralph Hines, Hamilton, R 2,
Box 62.

Want old time Irish potatoes,

grown in No. Ga.);
Langshan roosters for sale or
exc. for anything can use. Mrs.
A. L. Jackson, Winder, R 4.

es For Sale

BO Dark Cornish hens and 5
co*cks, $40 for lot; 10 hens and
co*ck, $10; Eggs, 75c per 15; $4
C. prepaid. 'C. O. Sikes, Sylvester.

1 pure bred Warhorse


$1.50; several hens; $1 ea; 1 pure |

bred Ginn Grey co*ck, $1.50; 1
pure bred Cornish, $1.50. Guar.
Jack Hawkins, Mitchell.

Games: 3 Blue and Red Quill
cross, game roosters, Yr. old; on
separate walks, $1 each. F. w.
Maddox, Stone Mtn.

ril,: st
Morgan W. ie TReeRIe half D
These pul
from hens direct from D.
Pierce. Now: laying, $3 trio, or
$150 for stag: D.* D. Haywood,
Barnesville, R 3.

Large Swiss Mondaines, Red
Carneaux, White Kings, Racing
Homers Mated, banded and work.
ing. $1.50 per pair, or exch. Guar.
Ed- Smith, Atlanta, 20 Gertrude

\ Place,

, Good stock, Nun's Owl tur-
betts, Tom. tail, all col. Kings,
Magpies. All going cheap. Geo. S.
siege Kblonta, Rt. 63.

R. i. Red hens, 1
old, $1.50 ea;


20 C.
a VIS.


jand ocks, $2, $2, 50 and $3 ea;

epos, $115 per 15: 2 50 for 5d:

Mahood strain, Miss Belle Tim-

merman, Bronwood, Box 83.
1. thoroughbred -R. I.

rooster, 9 mos, old; sg 50. E.

Nichols, E Elmodel, R


WwW. Ti; baby

No: cei

eld breeding


toes. inaies, 271 tT

type. Reasonable. Mw

5 or 10 bu. P. R. potatoes, T5e

is. Tho: Eggs, $2. 50 P

prices, Dan T: Fischer, Bacon-:

used. to be}-
2 Black}

g and 2 pullets, ae

060, 65c;

a pens, Talking. Rock.

Booking orders for ME
$25 per C.,

bes for R. 1
Tme hear at ONCR.
| Ganar, oS Rebs

Want - a single
for farm Work, one ~

| plow and do good WOple
Jaundry and salary by.
| Live 7 miles South of.

mile Mt: Zion, Carroll

C. R. Windham, Waco.

Want a good, reliable hand

-|farm work, to help make cr
"Between 16-60 yrs. of age. Wr

B. M: Roney, Bremen.
Want good farmer for 2

farm. 4 room house. Mu

able to run self and er

feed stuff and garden

F. A. Bazemore, Echonnee
Want single man, 18 to 40
old to plow and plant cor
cotton. About 15 acres.
board and small crop as.
A. E. Chalot, Lawrencevilk .
Want reliable couple pr
ably colored). Man to m:
work feed crop and pe


jgeneral outside work. Off

heuse, wood, water, board
$3 per week. J. W. Mangh
Americus, Box 355.

Positions Wanted

30 yr. old married man

| small crop close: to Atlanta.

work 1 day per week for owl
for rent. Paul Pritchett, Jones
boro, R: 1, :

18 yr. old farm hand, digs x]
wants work on farm at $ n
No bad habits, single, heal
and strong. Board and laundr
also. Lewis Colquitt, Midland,
1, Care W. H: Dismuke.

Plants For Sale

_ Jersey; Chas: Ww. Flat
frost- -proof cabbage
500, 75: $1.25 M. 3M.
at $1 M. Quality,
promptness guar. B. J.

Lucretia dewberry ata

dorado blackberry plants, 60

200 for $1 Del. Maude Ham

Gov. insp. nad treated
Skin P:R. and Nancy
potato slips, $1.50 M.

| R. Jones, Pelham. Box 273. Z

Few hundreg famous Yo
berry plants, $2 C. at my ple
5 miles Waycross Roa
box 132). Del in Ga. for
per C. Money order or
with order. W. F. Mott, Wi

Exhra. Blarley, Prolific 2

Cert. Marglobe tomato: plat

$1.25 M. del. Ready Apri

Moss packed, eland Lights

Odum. oe
Cab age, feihiato an

plants. Prices collect:

$1 M;

200. 50c;

Hattie A, Bruce,

- Mrs.
dosta. :
_ Klondike stvawberry ani
c, 500; $1:40 M: old fa:
red scan . buttons, 50c

] corn, :

all tiie peas, 1
ang roan ZOn prey




Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1934 March 22 (2024)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.