The Harlan Daily Enterprise from Harlan, Kentucky (2024)

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The Harlan Daily Enterprisei

Harlan, Kentucky

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Begins Nuclear Test Series In Pacific WASHINGTON Wl The At omic Energy Commission has confirmed the opening of this long heralded nuclear test series in the Pacific The AEC gave terse confir mation but no details Wedne day after Rep Charles Por ter (D Ore) announced in the House that a nuclear blast has been touched off Apr! 28 The Best Business Town In Southeastern Kentucky Harlan TJailn Snlrrprisr Weather orecast SOUTHEAST KENTUCKY Increasing cloudiness and warm today high 70 75 cloudy and warmer tonight low S0 S5 cloudy with shower or thunder VOLUME ITY SEVEN ull Leased Associated Press school integration at Little Rock Ark 40000 eel '5 ra4 6 States Seek carrying two louk 8 Loy Ohio River to to Wi fi ive Indicted or Murder and be electicn issue labor curb laws nine miles south of to meet and was the for Kentucky mid night May contestant must and is required the 7 the 1 Kv 11 at Two Points in Knox County Ky 6 Ky 439 Ky 225 and Ky 229 at Barbourville Ky 11 at Burke Creek Ky 30 between Booneville and Beatty ville and Ky 52 in Beattyville all in Lee County Ky 499 Ky 851 and Ky 1571 in Estill County Ky 44 in Bullitt County Ky 20 between Petersburg and Bellevue in Boone County All roads south of Pikeville were reported open The President said in a state ment he hopes it will be unnec essary to return the troop at the start of the school year next Sep tember orders on with drawal were relayed by Secretary of the Army Brucke to Maj Gen Edwin A Walker commander of the troops which have been enforcing a court order fr Inte gration at Little Central Hgh School since last Septem ber statement said in part the summer recess starts at the Central High School on May 28 and since there will be no fur ther present need for the guards men I have directed they be re leased May 29 that date I trust that state and local officials and citizens will assume their Continued On Page 12 Col 4 Special investigators Jack Nor man and John Hooker Jr' Nash ville lawyers and Hopton head of the Tennessee Bureau of Identification produce docu ments Wednesday they said back ed up nine of the 31 articles of impeachment they recommended to the House Hopton' read the transcript of the hearings last December be fore the Senate Labor Rackets In vestigating Committee which re sulted in the state investigaion In that testimony 'J Spence Galloway testified he sold his Chattanooga service station to raise $1000 that he turned over to a bondsman to avoid serving a prison sentence Bondsman Sam Jones testified he turned the money over to Har old Brown for delivery to the judge on June 22 1954 the date Schoolfield announced as a can didate for governor Brown later Continued On Page 12 Col the stars stop twinkling In order to do it he needed a steady fix with his telescope But the small fiberglass basket in which he and Ross were perched spun constantly and made precise observation difficult At 40000 feel he found the stars shine' steadily This had been dis covered before What Mikesell hoped to find was the exact alti tude at which the atmos Continued On Page 12 Col Starkweather Jury Expected To Be Seated souri Kentucky Tennessee Ar kansas Mississippi and Louisiana is to repeat its testimony riday before a similar Senate group Swelling the big delegation at hearing were many House members from states in the basin Willis called attention to Continued On Page 12 CoL Rain soaked hills continued cause both major and minor slides in the past 24 hours The local highway department said this morning a report came from the Greasy Creek area near Pine Mountain School that the highway was block by a major fall Local crewmen cleared a smaller slide on Pine Mountain and another on Martins ork Reid Howard Harlan reported a side on the Lesle County side of the line thU morning which blocked 421 The Cumberland River creat ed yesterday at 132 feet shortly afternoon Homer Nolan of ficial weather recorder said to day Today at 7 a the river stage was 75 feet he said Yesterday 17 of an inch of rain fell locally making the total for May 314 inches Nolan said The first five months of the year had a total of 1893 inches of rain Harlan County was one of Hie coolest spots in the state last night with a low of 41 degrees high was only 47 degrees Lexington registered 45 degrees and Louisville a high 52 The Weather Bureau forecasts rain over the entire state tonight with a low of 48 54 degrees lood unds Congress Asked or $74780000 Bell County iscal Court is willing to cooperate 100 per cent in regard to the Brownies Creek Black Star Road Ben Middlet on Harlan said today Middleton Magistrate Tom Moore 90th District Represent ative Nick Johnson and Billy Wilson met with Bell Co unty officials Tuesday in regard to the road Middleton said the Bell is cal Court wants to cooperate on the building" of the road and passed on all motions to obtain the right of way According to Middleton the Bell iscal Court asked that work be done quickly as Page 8 Cripple accused of murder Bell County Will Cooperate On Area Road our Harlan County men one man from Bell County were indicted for murder by the Bell County Grand Jury at Pineville Tuesday in connection with the death of Delphin orester 50 Salt Trace Harlan County Bell County Sheriff Elmer uson said orester was appar ently smothered to death when three men sat on his face and stomach while riding around in Bell County Saturday uson named the men indict ed on the murder charge as Chester Wilson Jr Hel ton Arnold Helton and Grover Wilson all of Bledsoe and Noah Wilson Stony ork The ages of the men and their relation was not known uson said Kentucky State Trooper Robert Rose stopped the car in which the six men were riding late Saturday after noon The sheriff said Bose told him all the men had been drink ing and body was in the back seat of the car Rose said three of the men had apparently sat on orest face and stomach smoth ering him to death The incid ent occurred about 5:30 Saturday thy officers said Howard Appointed A Howard South Main St reet Harlan has been appointed Republican Election Commis sioner by the State Election Commission rankfort SCHOOLIELD PROBE BEGINS Tennessee Judge Raul stou Schoolfield (left) and an unidentified friend eonfer as they watch proceedings after a special sessions of the state legislature opened hearings in Nashville to consider tan peachment proceedings against Schoolfield Charging misuse of his office the legislators are attempting to decide who ther to proceed with a formal Impeachment of the Chatta nooga Tenn jurist (NEA TELEPHOTO) storms likely riday high near 70 LINCOLN Neb A jurv hear the murder trial of Charles Starkweather who has admitted involvement in 11 slayings was expected to be seated today The defense has pleaded Stark weather innocent by reason of in sanity a plea which Starkweather was reported to be against But he made no objection when it was entered Starkweather is specifically charged with the death of Robert Jensen 17 Bennet Neb who was slain with his girl friend Carol King attorneys have said he made a statement saying he wanted to surrender himself after the death of Jensen and Miss King the fifth and sixth per sons killed but was talked out of it by Caril ugate his 14 year old companion Caril is also charged with mur der in the Jensen slaying Page 3 Military pay raises expected Page 5 Doubts raised over trade program Page 5 Atomic tests said involving moral question Page 8 Economic Condit ions to DENMARK DECLINES MISSILE OER Shown on the rostrum at the opening ses sion of the NATO foreign conference in Copenhagen are (left to right): Danish Premier and oreign Minister Hans Hansen oreign Minister and Chair man of the NATO Council Joseph Bcch and NATO Secretary General Paul Henri Spaak Hansen said that Denmark does not contemplate acepting a possible offer of American rocket missiles "in the present This decision he said is the result of Den mark's exposed position near the Iron Curtaim frontier and reaction" by the Com munist bloc (NEA TELEPHOTO) The Air orce said the altitude mark achieved Wednesday over Palmdale Calif exceeded by more than two miles the level of Bfl190 feet registered only last week by a rench experimental Trident Iscre 06 Tlie Starfighter described by Gen Nathan Twining chairman of tlie Joint Chiefs of Staffs as the most advanced plane of its type ever developed was piloted by Maj Howard 'Johnson 37 of Novato Calif and Knoxville Tenn The 17 mile climb by the Star ngnter designed to exceed Continued On Page 12 Col 'A 7 Womqn 46 Bleeding Steadily or 10 Weeks TAMPA la Eva Newton has been bleeding steadily for 10 weeks apparently from some blood vessel deep in the body Tlie 46 year old Arcadia wo man is a hemophilia victim Doctors have been unable to locate the source of the bleed ing They cannot perform an exploratory operation because of the nature of the malady Envoy's House Is ired Upon PORT AU PRINCE Halt The official residence of 8 Ambassador Gerald Drew was heavily fired upon Wednesday night by unidenified persons Drew vigorously protested st the Haiti oreign Ministry to day Drew his wife and tbefr two grandsons were not injured Bul lets splattered about the resi dence The attack oatne when the ambassador and his family were about to sit down to dinner The ambassador asked for an immediate investigaton to det ermine the identity of the at tackers and for assurances the incident would not be epeated of failure to attend one man was ar breach of peace Slides Block Two More Area Roads a dozen towns were hit by high waters yesterday The three state area honey combed with swift flowing streams that drain into the OW River was the same section dev astated by some of the wont floods on record in January 1957 Many of the Appalachian Mourn tain areas had not recovered from the earlier damage when the new floods hit In Kentucky Prestonsburg Paintsville and Catlettsburg aU expected flooding today Business men evacuated at Catlettburg and Prestonsburg and 120 fam ilies were hurried out of low lying homes at Paintsville where the Big Sandy River was expected to crest four feet over flood stage Grundy Pikeville Hit The Big Sandy struck Grundy Va Wednesday night but began to fall there as it did at Pike ville Ky The Virginia communi ties in the Wise Russell Dickenson County area reported the Clinch River was falling and immediate danger of floods decreased there High waters were still reported at Carbo and Cleveland Va but police said the river there also But Why They Twinkle Unsolved MINNEAPOLIS An ages old mystery of the a that Mumped the cavemen turned out just as puzzling to two strato pherc skimming space scientistsAstronomer Alfred Mikesell said his stargazing from a bil lodn al 40000 feet did not reveal why stars twinkle Mikesell 44 went up with Navy Cmdr Malcolm Ross to find out A Claims Recapture QfWorldAltitudeRecord Page 9 AL CIO group fav ors some Page 9 School lunchroom directors Rises Steadily CINCINNATI W) The Ohio River on a rare month of May rampage rose steadily today to ward an expected 57 to 58 foot crest here It passed the 52 foot flood stage Wednesday and the crest is expected Saturday morn ing barring further heavy rains Upstream the story was the same the river was heading to ward crests several feet above flood stage at most points This is the first time since 1988 that the river has been above flood stage here in May If the present forecasts hold damage apparently will be minor Hardest hit probably will be farm ers in the lowlands whose spring field work will be retarded se riously To Close Streets The US Weather Bureau 'at Huntington Va forecast a crest today of 44 feet at Mt Pleasant Va where flood stage is 40 feet: 497 feet at Gallipolis Ohio flood stage 58 feet 535 feet at midnight to night at Huntington flood stage 50 feet 57 feet at Ashland Ky riday flood stage 51 feet and 575 feet at Greenup Ky ri day night where flood stage i 52 feet A stage of 57 to 58 feet hero would mean the closing of about 100 streets mostly secondary thoroughfares or dead end streets Tlie Coney island amusem*nt park had to cancel an opening because of high water It war scheduled to be opened this weelj end The rising water also was flood ing parts of River Downs race track and IvO horses were moved out as a precautionary measure President Leon Slavin said he eX Continued On Page 12 Col 1 3 Kentucky Towns Expect High Water Virginia Points Hit INTO THE BI I An 80 foot balloon scientists In an open basket stratolab gondola ascends as it is launched by the Navy from an open pit iron mine at what levels of the atmosphere at troshy Minn The two men aboard Alfred II Mikesell and Commander Malcolm Rosa are making the flight to test their reactions and to make astronomical observations The balloon was expected to reach a height of 40000 feet (NEA TELEPHOTO) WASHINGTON Wl A six state delegation noting that spring floods now are ravaging parts of the area asked Conress today to vote $74780000 for flood con trol work on the lower Mississippi River and its tributaries in the year stai ting July 1 This is $7780000 or about 11 per cent above the 67 million dol lars President Eisenhower recom mended his budget Headed by Rep Erwin Wil lis (D La) president of the Mis sissippi Valley lood Control Asm the group testified before a Houe appropriations subcommittee con sidering funds for water projects Senate To Hear Group UiS mu PUliue JdLU Ulc LLVVl UJCLC started to recede Coeburn struck by two to three feet of water be gan a mop up when Little Creek fell Williamson Va was hit by a 36 foot flood crest on the Tug River which left eight inches of water in City Hall Schools busi ness and roads were closed and Continued On Page 12 CoL 1: Million Dollar Damage Estimated Done At Pikeville Barbourville Hazard Reported Out Of Danger PAINTSVILLE Ky (P) Residents of Kentucky nver towns braced for floods today as the crest of the River swept downstream While the danger continued in eastern Kentucky? flood threats in southwestern Virginia and western West Virginia diminished after a dozen towns were hit bv hiW Loyall Man Charged With Check orgery viav uoiree Mize all is in county jail today charg ed with forging a check a com panion cashed Saturday night deputies said Mize forged a check to "James Car roll" signed with the name Mize was later knifed by his companion Claude Large 55 Harlan during an argument over the money Large was arrested by County Officers Tuesday and charged with presenting a1 forgery cutting and wounding Mize not seriously injured in knifing Deputies said Large cashed a $48 42 check with Mrs Ebble Garrett Loyall An earlier forg ed check for $5750 was cashed by A Cornett Teetersville according to the deputies One Juvenile a 15 year old Baxter boy was booked in jail on charges school and rested on charges In Today's News Page 2 Cardinals lose their seventh straight game Page 2 Joe Brown wins TKO over Ralph Dupas Page 3 Last hour decision heads off aircraft strike ive Cents A Copy THURSDAY MAY 8 1958 HARLAN KY A eatures Telephoto Stolen Car Is Wrecked Block Away Cumberland Police are ing for an auto thief today who stole a station wagon from the Harlan Motor Company car lot in East Cumberland Monday night and then wrecked it a block away Nick Hatmaker manager of the Cumberland car lot said the 1954 Plymouth station wagon was stolen about 9 and wrecked about 30 minutes later The driver of the stolen car struck another car owned by Jimmy Polis Cumberland Poli's 1948 Dodge was parked on a back street a block from the car lot at the time Hatmaker said he believed the car was by vandals who were planning to return it to the lot when the accident occurr ed The manager said about $300 damage was done to the station wagon Polis's car suf fered only slight damages in the accident Impeachment Hearing Enters Its Third Day Man Tells Of Raising $1000 To Avoid Serving A Prison Term NASHVILLE Tenn (ZP) The Tennessee House of Representatives continues impeachment proceedings to day against Judge Raulston Schoolfield of Chattanooga It is the third day of a special session loodsCloseMoreThanScore Of Roads In East Kentucky RANKORT Ky (ZP) More than a score of roads were closed by flood waters in Eastern Kentucky today The Highway Dept listed them as follows: Ky 1 between Greenup and Grayson and Ky 2 between Greenup and the Ky 7 junction both in Greenup County Ky 3 in Lawrence County be tween Louisa and the Martin County line US 40 US 460 and US 23 in vicinity of Paintsville US 23 and Ky 114 in vicinity of Prestonsburg Ky 80 at Martin in loyd County US 321 Hyden Beauty Contestant Sought Here The Kentucky All State Beauty Pageant Commission is looking for a to re present the commonwealth In the July "Miss Universe" beauty contest to be held ia Long Be ach Calif Marion Howard Commander of the Post 54 American Legion Wallins said the legion is spon soring the contest locally He said that any girl who is a resident of the stats unmar ried between the ages of 18 and 28 who has beauty poise charm and personality may enter The deadline applications is 17 He said earn have a sponsor to post a $25 entry fee He also explained that the winner of the Kentucky finals must have half of her plane fare expanses to California paid by the sponsor Applications may be sent with an 8 10 photograph to' Ken tucky All State Beauty Pageant Continued On Page 12 Col 8 12 PAGES TODAY NO 109 Swift lowing Streams Honeycomb 3 State Area Knoxville Pilot lies Starfighter Jet To 91249 eet On light WASHINGTON (ZP) Tlie Air orce today officially claimed recapture of the world altitude record with a climb to 91249 feet by an 104A Starfighter jet Agree On Deed May Be Presented Trustees May 16 LEXINGTON Ky Inter national Harvester Co and the University of Kentucicy have agreed verbally on terms for deeding to the site of its proposed branch school at Cum berland Counsel for the company which offered the school site at Clover Lick is drafting the deed University President rank Dickey said today he hoped it would be completed in time to present to trustees at the May 16 meeting The president said one issue to be decided is the establish ment of a buffer zone between the land to be held by the uni versity and other property be longing to International Harvest er The agreement he said spell ed out that no buildings would be constructed within specified areas Another question the presid ent added involved whether the land would revert to Internat ional Harvester if it is used for Continued On Page 12 Col Wil Stars Shine At Little Rock ederal Troops Ordered Out By May 29 President Says He Hopes It Will Be Unnecessary To Return Soldiers At Start Of School Year Next all WASHINGTON (ZP) President Eisenhower today ordered withdrawal May 29 of all federal troops enforcing few vr SV 4 A'5 'V WT? A i lA 1 11 to Jjx Mh 1 S' JU a mt Up A Eh A bj jy jhmb 1 1 i I I I i I 1 1 alHuiill iWSiuSi Da I aMin (I ana I8IMM I 1 A mjr.

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