DAILY PUBLIC LEDGER WEEKLY REPUBLICAN-1887. PUBLIO LEDGER-1899, It rained all through April last. Money can cheat justice as well as individuals. March 28th, 1904, it was below freezing. The L.
and N. Paycar was here Saturday night. Chicken stealing has opened up again in the county. Three of Mr. Charles McCarthey's children i in the Fifth Ward have the whooping-cough.
The new Presbyterian Minister at Sharpsburg has been called upon to resign. James Williams and Lizzie Hawkins, colored, were granted marriage license Saturday. Elizabeth, the interesting and intelligent little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles, Hunter is quite sick.
Mr. Charles E. Dietrich, The Ledger Printery's excellent Job Foreman, is ill, threatened with pneumonia. "Work Done When Promised" has been the motto of The Ledger Printerman for more than thirty-five years. J.
Heinz and wife and others were pleasantly entertained yesterday by Joseph Myer and wife of Williams street. The Christian Endeavor Society of the Christian Church will meet at the home of Miss Bessie Martin in Forest avenue tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock. MAR MOORE-SEXTON, Mr. Samuel Moore and Miss Daisy Sexton were married Saturday night at the home of the bride in the First Ward. MAYSVILLE REPUBLICAN.
MAYSVILLE, Jeer Fresh fish daily O'Keefe's. There's an advertised letter for Davis Brothers in the Louisville Postoffice. The Maysville Coal Company received three barges of coal yesterday evening, per steamer Convoy. PLEASED WITH MISS DAVIS Great Niece of Former Confederate President Scores 3 Decided Hit at Lexington Lexington Herald, Sunday, March 18th. "Florence Davis, in the title role of "The Player Maid," at the Opera- house last evening, was so good that it is to be regretted that she was favored by so small an audience.
Miss Davis is a great niece of the late President Jefferson Davis, and, as such, should be very dear to every Southern heart. But as a good actress, she is entitled to their consideration and cordial recognition. "Florence Davis is an actress of charming manner and very attractive personality. She took the part of Eleanor Hallam, leading actress of the Drury Lane Theater. As such, to oblige and aid a friend, Lady Dorothy Hastings, who wished to elope with a lover that was not approved by her guardian, Eleanor Hallam impersonated Lady Dorothy, who was unknown personally to her guardian.
Out of this many amusing and comical situations developed. The high-spirited and finished acting of Miss Davis brought much applause from the audience. "Florence Davis will find a bigh place among actresses of America. She has with her a good company. Elliott Dexter, as the Earl of Roxbury, gave her excellent support.
All of the characters were above the average. For once, the play-goers of Lexington, by fai ing to turn out in force, missed a rare treat." At the Washington tonight. 85 rolls best China aud Jap Mattings will be placed on sale Wednesday morning, March 7th. The score or more of our customers who have requested us to advise them as to the date of this sale will please take notice. J.
M. NESBITT, Executor Judging from the number of drunken men on the streets yesterday, they either laid in a supply Saturday night or slightly tilted the lid yesterday. Mrs. Winnifrede Gehean, who has been paralytic for some time, was yesterday in a critical condition at her home in East Second street, with no improvement this morning. She is the widow of the late Dennis Gehean.
Call and let me show what a handsome Diamond Ring, Stud or Pendant I can sell you for little money. Prices are guaranteed lower than you buy for anywhere. P. J. MURPHY, the Jeweler.
Mr. William Sproemberg, met with a painful accident Saturday afternoon. He is on the Westbound local freight train on the C. and 0. and was engaged in handling a heavy box at South Ripley, when one end struck some ice and slipped, the other end falling on his right hand, badly mashing two of his fingers.
He was able, however, to go out this morning. The management of the Washington Theater was indeed fortunate in securing for tonight Miss Florence Davis, the most promising young star on the American stage, who will be seen in the "The Player Maid." Miss Davis comes from a distinguished Southern family. She has had much experience as an actress. having been associated for a number of seasons with various Frohman companies. "The Maid" deals with the fortunes of Eleanor Hallam, an actress noted for her genius, beauty, wit and imperious temper.
The production affords beautiful costuming and effects, which are taken full advantage of by the management. Seats on sale now at Ray's. pear Slop for sale at Poyntz Distillery. Charles Sullivan and James Routt were arrested Saturday night in Cherry alley, charged with being drunk and disorderly. They will have their hearing today before Judge Whitaker.
JOHN COLLINS. Mr. John Collins, aged 78, died yesterday morning at 11 o'clock at his home at Millereek, after an illness of about a month, his death being due to the infirmitives of age. Mr. Collins was one of Mason county's highl; respected and prosperous farmers, having come here when quite young from his native country, Ireland, and bas raised a large and honored family of children, all surviving, there being six sons--Rev.
Father. John Collins of Jamaica, Messrs. Thomas Collins of Helena, William Collins of Lexington, Patrick Collins of Millcreek, Frank Collins of Newport and James Collins of this city, and one daughter- -Miss Anna Collins of Millereek. The funeral will occur tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock from St. Rose of Lima Church at Mayslick, and the interment will be in the Catholic Cemetery at Washington.
Have you weakness of any kind--stomach back, or any organs of the body? Don't dope yourself with ordinary medicine. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the supreme curative power. 85 cents. J. James Wood Son.
DRESSED DUCKS And fine, fat, dressed Hens. For the best of everything good to eat send your orders to FERNDELL HOME.TELEPHONE No. 43. G. W.
GEISEL, OPPOSITE OPERA MONDAY, MARCH 19, 1906. per- See Hainline's Wallpaper. Seat sale for "Two Merry Tramps" opens at Ray's Tuesday morning. The children of the late Lewis Lebus have deeded to Mrs. M.
C. Lebus, the widow, for $1, about 1,000 acres of land in Harrison county. Mr. William Curran, a Church worker and leading citizen, was sentenced to one year's imprisonment at Lexington, in connection with the defunct get-rich-quick investment companies. It pours the oil of life into your system.
It warms you up and starts the life bicod circulating. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea does. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. J. J.
Wood Son. OF GREAT MEN ALL REMIND The story of how Marshall Field amassed his great fortune be told in a few words. He had something to sell and advertised it. ONE COPY-ONE CENT. The wealthy inhabitants of Woodland, the toniest suburb of Lexington, propose to incorporate as a sixth-class city to avoid being gobbled up by Lexington.
The officials declared if this action is taken, fire protection, water works and other conveniences will be denied the new town. FOR SALE. Buggy and harness, good as new. J. R.
DEVINE. NOTICE. The Limestone Building Arsociation will open its Thirty- fourth Series March 1st, 1906. Money to loan on real estate. Pays good interest on your investment.
Take stock now. Call on any of the officers. THERE MUST LOBE very good In Somethings to get more popular every day. Have A premiums? you 1 vestigated our stamp TU GLOBE STAMP COMPANY THE INDICATIONS ARE that the season just perienced ahead with will be the the Gas busiest Company ever ex- in running services to new consumers and installing Gas Ranges. The experience of our 100 Gas Ranges in use last year is their best recommendation- every one installed sells another.
It is a wise suggestion that the best and most prompt service can be given to those who advise the Gas Company of their needs before the rush. As the weather permite pipes can be run now for a range to he set in April or May. Before Buying Get our prices on METAL MIXED PAINT. You will find it to your interest to do so. H.
H. COLLINS COMPANY -'PHONE 99: THE D. HEC THE HOME STORE. HECHINGER CO. HOME STORE, WE ARE NOW DAILY RECEIVING SHIPMENTS OF OUR SPRING We always did and will continue to secure the best merchandise made in the country.
We will be able to show this season several lines of Young Men's and Men's Clothing that will be a. revelation to our patrons. No industry in America has made greater strides towards attaining "perfection" than the clothing and shoe trades. The rivalry of leading manufacturers to produce better merchandise than competitors is an absolute guarantee to consumer, who uses good judgment, that he wears the best that is made. You will always find the best in our house.
We buy for "SPOT CASH'! only, hence the best of fine clothing and shoe producers keep us constantly in touch with their newest productions, and our good dressers enjoy the benefit of these conditions as well as ourselves. THE HOME STORE. D. HECHINGER ER CO. feet Miss Davis's Silver Soap at Miss Amelia Wood's room, Court street.
Re This is the season to buy good Mona mental work cheap. See MURRAY THOMAS. freer All makes Sewing Machines at Gerbrich'e. Ware, September 7th, 1817, The Cynthiana Log Cabin was one enterpris- After being out for ten minutes, the Jury in died a few days ago in Greenup county. Her ing Kentucky paper to observe St.
Patrick. It the case of Dr. A. P. Taylor of Lexington, husband survives, aged 92.
She jeined the was published Saturday in shades of the sham- charged with embezzlement, brought in a verdict Methodist Church in 1831, and was probably The Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company has increased its capital from $31,000,000 to 000,000. PLENTY OF IT NOW. Granulated Sugar. of acquittal. the oldest member in Kentucky.
M. C. RUSSELL Co. THE LINGERIE WAISTS. Delicious confections in lace, embroidery, shirring tucks on India Linen, batiste and wash silk.
Snowy white of course to defy Old Sol and laundry chemicals. Who with feminine eyes and appreciation could fail to rhapsodize over such beauties. There is a long price range with a big money's worth guaranteed at the. starting point A Dainty India Linen Waist at $1 to the Climax An All-Lace Waist at $7.. D.
HUNT SON. peer Use Ray's Velvet Cream for chapped fell Fresh Fish daily at Restaurant Royal. hands. Corner Third and Market streets. Iron far Cartmell extracts teeth without pain.
per Tea; the right kind at the right price. Sallie Wood's Drugstore. 'Phone 456. R. C.
Stewart, founder of the Stewart The Missionary Society of the Baptist A party of surveyors is now working toward Works, Covington, died Saturday morning. He Church will observe Week of Prayer by holding Mr. Arthur F. Curran represented the MaysLouisville, ascertaining the altitude of Louis- was born in Louisville in 1830. He was the services at the Church every afternoon this week ville Board of Trade at the National Consuler ville.
It is necessary to know this before the father of 14 children-9 sons and 5 daughters at 3 o'clock, terminating on Friday night with a Reform Convention at Washington City last topographical map of the city can be begun. --11 of whom, with his wife, survive. social for the benefit of the Oneida School. week. Do You Wear GARTERS? Make haste it up-to-date you'd be, And our "SUPPORTER" quickly see; You'll find it just the thing you sought; Perchance far better than you thought; Economy you'll practice, too--Remember, it's "ONE" with uses "TWO." The Mayper is the newest and best hose supporter for ladies ever invented.
You can wear them on the sides or in the front. Better investigate. LOW PRICES. BEE HIVE. KINGS OF PROPS.
MERZ Mrs. Sarah born.