What Is e^0 (E To The Power Of 0)? - Science Trends (2024)

What Is e^0 (E To The Power Of 0)? - Science Trends (1)

What is e0? If you remember your exponents, the answer to this question is easy. For all numbers, raising that number to the 0th power is equal to one. So we know that:


This answer relies on an intrinsic property of the way exponentiation is defined. Exponentiation is defined as iterative multiplication, so the expression xn means you multiply x by itself n times. Therefore, any expression in the form x0 has a meaning of multiplying x by itself 0 times. Multiplying a number by itself 0 times should return the same element, which is the same as multiplying the element by 1, the multiplicative identity. So, for all numbers x, x0should give you the multiplicative identity, which is equal to 1 (except when x=0, which is a special case we will consider later).

“A zero itself is nothing, but without a zero you cannot count anything; therefore, a zero is something, yet zero.” — Dalai Lama

The above reasoning is based on the definition of the exponentiation operation. Let’s take a look at the general definition of exponentiation and how we can reason to the claim that x0=1.

What Is Exponentiation?

Exponentiation is a mathematical operation that involves two numbers, abase band anexponentn.Ifn is a positive number, than exponentiation correspond to iterative multiplication of the base. So an exponential expression means you multiply n copies of the base b together. In other words, the expression


means the product of multiplyingnbases btogether. We can see how this works by plugging in actual numbers instead of variables. For instance, 23 can be rewritten as (2×2×2)=8. In other words, 23 is just equal to the number two multiplied by itself 3 times. Likewise, 44 is equal to (4×4×4×4)=256.

Conversely, ifnis a negative number, then exponentiation defined as:

b-n = 1/bn

Exponentiation with a negative exponent -ncorresponds to the reciprocal ofbn. This particular definition of negative exponentiation is a consequence of a useful rule for combining exponents that we will look at in a bit. For now though, just remember the two definitions of exponentiation by positive and negative integers:


b-n =1/bn

Exponentiation can be seen as the inverse of the logarithm operation

Concept Check!

Take a look at these problems involving exponentiation to make sure you understand the basic concept. For each problem, try to rewrite the problem as an extended series of iterative multiplication:

  1. 56
  2. 7-2
  3. 1-1


  1. 56= (5×5×5×5×5×5)
  2. 7-2= 1/(7×7)
  3. 1-1 = 1/11

Focusing on problem 3 shows us an interesting fact regarding the number 1 and exponentiation. Namely, for any exponentn, 1n=1. This is easy to prove. Since exponentiation is defined as iterative multiplication, 1n just means “multiplyn copies of 1.” However, the product of 1 and 1 is always equal to 1, no matter how many 1s you multiply. So it does not matter what nis; 1n will always equal 1.

We can prove that 1n=1 holds for negative exponents too. Remember thatb-nis defined as 1/bn.Therefore, 1-n must be equal to 1/1n. Since we just proved that 1n=1, 1-nwill always equal 1/1, which is just equal to 1. Therefore, for alln,1-n=1.

Extra practice:See if you can prove that for all bases b,b1=b. You should be able to do this simply by reasoning about the meaning of the exponent operation.

“When you make yourself into zero, your power becomes invincible.” — Mahatma Ghandi

Arithmetic Operations Involving Exponents

The definition of the exponentiation operation gives us an algorithmic way to deal with problems involving the multiplication or division of terms with exponents. We will first look at the example of multiplying exponent terms.


In general, the rule for multiplying terms with exponents is:

bn×bm= bn+m

We can show that this rule must be true with a simple numerical example. Say we have 24 and 23. 24 is the same as (2×2×2×2) and 23 is (2×2×2), so 24×23 =(2×2×2×2)(2×2×2). Since multiplication is associative (it does not matter where we put the parentheses)we can combine all the terms on the right side of this equation into one big parenthetical expression:


We can generalize this reasoning for any baseb,and any exponents mandn. By definition of the exponentiation operation we know that:

b1 =b,

and that

bn+1 = bn×b1

Generalizing this case by settingb1=bm gives us our final expression:bn×bm= bn+m


There are also rules for dividing exponentiated terms. In general, the rule is:

bn÷bm= bn−m

Once again, we can show this rule to be true for a specific numerical example, say 25 and 22.25is the same as (2×2×2×2×2) and 22 is (2×2). So 25÷22 is the same as(2×2×2×2×2)/(2×2). Since we are dividing, we can cancel out pairs of like terms and get rid of them, which just leaves (2×2×2).

Incidentally, this particular rule of dividing exponentiated terms is what gives us our definitions of exponentiation by 0.


There are also rules for raising exponential terms themselves to exponents. In general, raising an exponent term to an exponent is:

(bn)m= bn×m

This particular definition of nested exponentiation is a consequence of the associativity of multiplication. terms.The expression(bn)mtells us to multiply togetherm copies of the basebn.The base,bntells us to multiplyncopies of the baseb. So all together, we would havemcopies ofbnwhere eachbnhasncopies ofb. To figure out the total number ofbs multiplied together, we can just multiplymby n togive us our final exponent expression.

Here is a numerical example to illustrate the point. Say we have (22)3. This expression tells us to multiply together 3 copies of the base 22. This is the same as (2×2)×(2×2)×(2×2). Since multiplication is associative, we can get rid of the parentheses and combine all the terms into one expression(2×2×2×2×2×2) = (22)3 = 26.

Exponentiation By 0

Now that we have some exponent rules under our belt, we can see exactly why raising any number to the 0th power always equals 1. Recall that when dividing exponentiated terms, the general rule is:

bn÷bm= bn−m

This is equivalent tobn/bm.If we set bothn andm equal to 1 we get:

b1÷b1 = b1−1= b1/b1 = b0

Sinceb1is equal to just band any number divided by itself is equal to 1, it follows necessarily that

b0=b1/b1=b/b = 1

This expression is true for any non-zero numberb. Another way of saying this is thatb0 corresponds to dividingb by itself, which will always equal 1.

Exponentiation By Negative Numbers

Now that we have proved that exponentiation by 0 always equals 1, we can generate the definition of negative exponentiation hinted at earlier. Recall that for negative exponentiation:

b-n =1/bn

According to the definition of exponentiation, we know that:

bn =(bn+1)/b

The above statement just follows from what it means to apply the exponentiation operator. We also know that this statement is true in the case thatn=0:

b0=b1/b = 1

Now, extending this definition to n =-1gives us:

b-1 =b0/b = 1/b

We can extend this reasoning to all negativento arrive at our identity statement for negative exponentiation:

b-n = 1/bn

Raising 0 To A Power

All the above rules are defined with a non-zero base b. What happens if we allowb =0? The operation of raising zero to an exponent has some special rules.

First, when n is positive, 0n=0. This is easy enough to see; the expression 0nmeans “multiply togethern copies of 0.” 0×0 is always equal to 0 no matter how many copies of 0 you have, so it follows that for all positiven,0n = 0.

Whennis negative, 0n is undefined. The reason why is that raising 0 to a negative exponent implies division by 0, which is undefined. Think of it this way, we know that for allb andn,b-n = 1/bn.If we letb= 0, then we get:

0-n = 1/0n = 1/0.

Division by zero is an undefined operation, and so raising 0 to some negative power is also an undefined operation.

0 To The 0th Power

What about when bothb andn are 0, so 00? Here we start to get to the controversial territory. Currently, there is no universally accepted value for the expression 00.Depending on the field, mathematicians will give you different answers. In basic algebra, 00 is normally just defined as equal to 1, however, this is often for reasons of simplicity rather than logical rigor.

“Zero-zero is a big score.” — Ron Atkinson

Some mathematicians argue that 00 is undefined for the same reason that raising 0 to a negative exponent is undefined; they both imply a division by 0, which is an undefined operation in algebra. Following the normal rules for non-zero exponents while substituting 0 seems to indicate that the expression 00 is the same as 0/0.

Other mathematicians argue on this basis that 00 is not undefined, justindeterminate. The reason why is that the expression 0/0 does not give us enough information to determine its value. Expressions like 0/0 are commonly seen in the context of calculus, as one takes the ratio of two derivatives as they approach their limits. In these cases, an answer of 0/0 does not mean that the answer is undefined, just that we need more information to determine its value.

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What Is e^0 (E To The Power Of 0)? - Science Trends (2024)


What does e to the power of 0 mean? ›

We can also say that anything to the power 0 is equal to 1. Therefore, the value of e to the power of 0 is 1.

What is the value of 0 to the power of 0? ›

Zero to the power of zero, denoted by 00, is a mathematical expression that is either defined as 1 or left undefined, depending on context. In algebra and combinatorics, one typically defines 00 = 1.

What is the meaning of e 0? ›

Epsilon Naught is synonymous to the permittivity of free space or absolute permittivity or electric constant, represented by the Greek alphabet ε0. The Epsilon Naught value is constant at any part of the universe.

What does e+ mean in math? ›

e+ tells you how many zeros there are behind a number. e- tells you how many zeros are in front of a number. it also tells you how many times to multiply a number by 10. so you can read it as for example 3.14e+10. 3.14 * 10 to the tenth or 3.14 * 10,000,000,000.

What value of e is 0? ›

What is the value of e raised to power 0? The value of e0 is equal to 1.

Is 0 0 defined? ›

So zero divided by zero is undefined.

Why is 0 0 infinity? ›

Uh, 0/0 doesn't equal infinity, it's UNDEFINED because if 0/0 = x, then x times 0 = 0, but that's true with every number. As for 0^0, same thing - anything to the power of 0 is equal to 1.

Why is zero power zero one? ›

In short, the multiplicative identity is the number 1, because for any other number x, 1*x = x. So, the reason that any number to the zero power is one ibecause any number to the zero power is just the product of no numbers at all, which is the multiplicative identity, 1.

What does e mean in science? ›

In statistics, the symbol e is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 2.71828183. Prism switches to scientific notation when the values are very large or very small. For example: 2.3e-5, means 2.3 times ten to the minus five power, or 0.000023.

When e is zero? ›

we know that electric field is in reverse sense of the directional gradient of electric potential, so if V is constant, E should be zero. So, for E to be zero, either V has to be zero, or constant, or the 3 directional derivative components of V must cancel out each other in space.

What is e in slang? ›

Ecstasy or MDMA. X, E, XTC, Molly, Rolls, Hug, Hug Drug, Love Drug, Lover's. Speed, Beans, Adam, Eve, Clarity, Moon Rocks, Happy Pill, Dancing Shoes, Scooby Snacks, Candy, Peace, Uppers. Khat.

What is the biggest number in the world? ›

A Googolplex is often regarded as the largest number in the world. It is represented as 10googol. This number can also be expressed in exponential notation as 10 to the power of 10 to the power of 100, written as 10^(10^[100]).

How many zeros are in trillion? ›

A trillion is a 1 with 12 zeros after it, represented as 1,000,000,000,000 or 10¹².

Why is e so important? ›

Importance of e

This is due to the fact that it may be used as a parameter to generate an exponential function, which has numerous real-world applications in areas such as inflation, compounding interest, probability distributions and fourier transforms.

Why is anything to the power of 0 equal to 1? ›

In short, the multiplicative identity is the number 1, because for any other number x, 1*x = x. So, the reason that any number to the zero power is one ibecause any number to the zero power is just the product of no numbers at all, which is the multiplicative identity, 1.

What does e mean in zeros? ›

In statistics, the symbol e is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 2.71828183. Prism switches to scientific notation when the values are very large or very small. For example: 2.3e-5, means 2.3 times ten to the minus five power, or 0.000023.

Is e to the power of infinity 0? ›

Therefore, e to the power of infinity is infinity (∞).

When we multiply this number by itself an infinite number of times, we can't even imagine how big a number we will obtain and hence e to the power of infinity results in ∞.

What is anything raised to the zero power? ›

The rule is that any number raised to the power of 0 equals to 1. So if 2 or 1,000,000 is raised to the power of 0 it equals 1.

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